Convert HSA times to dihedral angles and chordwidths, or convert HSA data
from the type provided to the desired processing type.
[varargout] = ConvertHSA( action, varargin )
Inputs - Not all inputs are used for all actions: see formats in case statements
action 'TimeToAngles' or 'AnglesToTime' or
dAngle {2} dihedral angles (rads)
cWidth {2} chordwidths (rads)
tLE {2} leading edge times (sec past CEP)
tTE {2} trailing edge times (sec past CEP)
jDCEP (n,1) Julian date of CEP time for each period
hSAData struct Contains data and processing types for HSA measurements
spinRate Spin rate (rad/sec)
dAngle1 Dihedral angles from HSA 1
dAngle2 Dihedral angles from HSA 2
cWidth1 Chordwidths from HSA 1
cWidth2 Chordwidths from HSA 2
hSAData Same as input, but updated if converted times to angles